


onion onion onion

1- Variety :Texas Early Grano 502 PRR

Bulb: High Yielding , producing quite large uniform Bulbs. Yellow skin and White flesh , mild taste maturity withing 170 Days ,Disease tolerances to Pink Root Rot Remarks : use in latitude of less than 27 degrees

2- Variety :Yellow sweet Spanish

Bulb : High yielding variety of good quality and Attractive Appearance , giving Bulbs of medium to large size , up to 9 cm in Diameter , Oval shape. Firm white flesh with tough Yelllow skin and pungent flavour Maturity late 112 Days , Natural tolerance to Pink Root Rot Remarks : good for storage

3- Variety :Red Amposta

Plant : Strong Pipes Bulb : large flat globe with thick reddish - brown skin Remarks: an excellent variety for storing , firm and pungent

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